lsdeluxe |
x86_64 |
1.1.2 |
2024-05-24 |
1.1.2* |
lsd |
ls, lsd |
utilities |
link |
bat |
x86_64 |
0.24.0 |
2024-05-24 |
0.24.0* |
bat |
cat, bat |
utilities |
link |
fd |
x86_64 |
10.1.0 |
2024-05-24 |
10.1.0* |
fd |
fd, find |
utilities |
link |
bbmap |
x86_64 |
39.8 |
2024-05-24 |
39.6, 39.8* |, ... |
bbmap, bbduk, quality-control, QC, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
blast |
x86_64 |
2.16.0 |
2024-05-24 |
2.15.0, 2.16.0* |
blastn, ... |
blast, ncbi, alignment |
life sciences |
link |
link |
bwa |
x86_64 |
0.7.18 |
2024-05-25 |
0.7.18* |
bwa, ... |
bwa, alignment, short-read, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
minimap2 |
x86_64 |
2.28 |
2024-05-25 |
2.28* |
minimap2, ... |
minimap2, alignment, long read |
life sciences |
link, link |
link, link |
diamond |
x86_64 |
2.1.9 |
2024-06-10 |
2.1.9* |
diamond |
diamond, blast, alignment |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
iqtree |
x86_64 |
2.3.4 |
2024-06-10 |
2.3.4* |
iqtree, ... |
iqtree, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
ripgrep |
x86_64 |
14.1.1 |
2024-06-11 |
14.1.1* |
rg |
rg, ripgrep |
utilities |
link |
vsearch |
x86_64 |
2.28.1 |
2024-06-12 |
2.28.1* |
vsearch |
vsearch, alignment |
life sciences |
link |
link |
seqkit |
x86_64 |
2.8.2 |
2024-06-12 |
2.8.2* |
seqkit |
seqkit, conversion, utility |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
sina |
x86_64 |
1.7.2 |
2024-06-12 |
1.7.2* |
sina |
sina, alignment, 16S |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
tldr |
x86_64 |
3.2.0 |
2024-06-12 |
3.2.0* |
tldr |
tldr, manpage |
utilities |
link, link |
fasttree |
x86_64 |
2.1.11 |
2024-06-12 |
2.1.11* |
fasttree, ... |
fasttree, phylogeny, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
trimal |
x86_64 |
1.4.1 |
2024-06-12 |
1.4.1* |
readal, ... |
trimal, alignment, trimming |
life sciences |
link |
link |
nf-core |
x86_64 |
3.2.0 |
2024-06-12 |
2.14.1, 3.0.2, 3.2.0* |
nf-core |
nf-core, community-curated bioinformatics pipelines |
life sciences |
link |
link |
blobtools |
x86_64 |
1.1.1 |
2024-06-13 |
1.1.1* |
blobtools |
blobtools, QC, quality control |
life sciences |
link, link |
link, link |
cafe |
x86_64 |
5.1.0 |
2024-06-18 |
5.1.0* |
cafe5 |
cafe, cafe5, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
earlgrey |
x86_64 |
4.3.0 |
2024-06-18 |
4.3.0* |
earlGrey, ... |
earlgrey, earlGrey, repeats, transposable elements |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
htseq |
x86_64 |
2.0.5 |
2024-06-18 |
2.0.5* |
htseq-count, ... |
HTSeq, htseq, htseq-count, RNA-Seq |
life sciences |
link |
link |
samtools |
x86_64 |
1.20 |
2024-06-18 |
1.20*, 1.3 |
samtools, ... |
samtools, bcftools, alignment |
life sciences |
link, link, link |
link |
bedtools |
x86_64 |
2.31.1 |
2024-06-18 |
2.31.1* |
bedtools, ... |
bedtools, gff, annotation, features, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
busco |
x86_64 |
5.7.1 |
2024-06-18 |
5.7.1* |
busco, ... |
BUSCO, genome quality control, QC |
life sciences |
link |
link |
stringtie |
x86_64 |
2.2.3 |
2024-06-19 |
2.2.3* |
stringtie, ... |
stringtie, RNA-Seq, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
trimmomatic |
x86_64 |
0.39 |
2024-06-19 |
0.39* |
trimmomatic |
trimmomatic, trimming, qc, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
hmmer |
x86_64 |
3.4 |
2024-06-19 |
3.4* |
hmmscan, ... |
hmmer, hmm, motif finding |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
pybiolib |
x86_64 |
1.1.2184 |
2024-06-19 |
1.1.2184* |
biolib |
biolib |
utilities |
link |
picard |
x86_64 |
3.1.1 |
2024-06-19 |
3.1.1* |
picard |
picard |
utilities |
link, link |
link |
hyphy |
x86_64 |
2.5.62 |
2024-06-19 |
2.5.62* |
hyphy, ... |
hyphy, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link, link |
transdecoder |
x86_64 |
5.7.1 |
2024-06-19 |
5.7.1* |
TransDecoder.LongOrfs, ... |
transdecoder, RNA-Seq, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
viennarna |
x86_64 |
2.6.4 |
2024-06-19 |
2.6.4* |
RNAfold, ... |
ViennaRNA, RNA, secondary structure, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
trnascan-se |
x86_64 |
2.0.12 |
2024-06-24 |
2.0.12* |
EukHighConfidenceFilter, ... |
trnascan, trnascan-se, tRNA, annotation |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
barrnap |
x86_64 |
0.9 |
2024-06-24 |
0.9* |
barrnap |
barrnap, rRNA, annotation |
life sciences |
link |
orthofinder |
x86_64 |
3.0.1b1 |
2024-06-24 |
2.5.5, 3.0.1b1* |
orthofinder, ... |
OrthoFinder, Phylogenetic orthology inference for comparative genomics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
rattler-build |
x86_64 |
0.31.1 |
2024-06-24 |
0.31.1* |
rattler-build |
rattler-build, build |
utilities |
link, link |
conda-recipe-manager |
x86_64 |
0.2.0 |
2024-06-24 |
0.2.0* |
conda-recipe-manager |
conda-recipe-manager, conda, build |
utilities |
link |
spades |
x86_64 |
4.0.0 |
2024-06-24 |
4.0.0* |, ... |
spades, assembly, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link, link |
quast |
x86_64 |
5.2.0 |
2024-06-26 |
5.2.0* |
quast, ... |
quast, QC, quality-control, assembly, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
GeneMark-ES |
x86_64 |
4.71 |
2024-06-26 |
4.71* | |
GeneMark-ES,, annotation, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
mrbayes |
x86_64 |
3.2.7 |
2024-06-26 |
3.2.7* |
mb, ... |
MrBayes, mrbayes, Bayesian stats, MCMC, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
mafft |
x86_64 |
7.526 |
2024-06-26 |
7.526* |
mafft, ... |
mafft, alignment, msa |
life sciences |
link |
link |
muscle |
x86_64 |
5.1 |
2024-06-26 |
5.1* |
muscle |
muscle, alignment, msa |
life sciences |
link, link, link |
link |
orthomcl |
x86_64 |
2.0.9 |
2024-06-26 |
2.0.9* |
orthomclAdjustFasta, ... |
orthomcl, orthology, orthogroups, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
pal2nal |
x86_64 |
14.1 |
2024-06-27 |
14.1* | |
pal2nal, alignment, msa, conversion |
life sciences |
link |
link |
ClonalFrameML |
x86_64 |
1.13 |
2024-06-27 |
1.13* |
ClonalFrameML |
ClonalFrame, ClonalFrameML, recombination, omics, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
CheckM2 |
x86_64 |
1.0.2 |
2024-06-27 |
1.0.2* |
checkm2 |
CheckM, CheckM2, quality control, QC, omics |
life sciences |
link |
CheckM |
x86_64 |
1.2.3 |
2024-06-27 |
1.2.3* |
checkm |
CheckM, quality control, QC, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
qualimap |
x86_64 |
2.3 |
2024-06-27 |
2.3* |
qualimap |
qualimap, alignment, quality control, QC, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
gffread |
x86_64 |
0.12.7 |
2024-06-27 |
0.12.7* |
gffread |
gffread, conversion tool, gff, omics |
utilities |
link, link |
link |
alistat |
x86_64 |
1.15 |
2024-06-27 |
1.15* |
alistat |
alistat, phylogenomics, msa, QC, quality control |
life sciences |
link |
link |
get_pangenes |
x86_64 |
20240627 |
2024-06-27 |
20240627* |, ... |
get_pangenes, comparative genomics, pangenomes |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
kallisto |
x86_64 |
0.50.1 |
2024-06-27 |
0.50.1* |
kallisto |
kallisto, RNA-Seq, transcriptomics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
hisat2 |
x86_64 |
2.2.1 |
2024-06-27 |
2.2.1* |, ... |
hisat2, RNA-Seq, transcriptomics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
vcftools |
x86_64 |
0.1.16 |
2024-06-27 |
0.1.16* |
fill-aa, ... |
vcftools, SNPs, annotation |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
gatk4 |
x86_64 | |
2024-06-28 |* |
gatk |
gatk, SNPs, variant calling, variant analysis |
life sciences |
link, link |
link, link, link |
x86_64 |
2.7.11b0 |
2024-06-28 |
2.7.11b0* |
STAR, ... |
STAR, RNA-Seq, transcriptomics |
life sciences |
link, link, link |
link |
cutadapt |
x86_64 |
4.9 |
2024-06-28 |
4.9* |
cutadapt |
cutadapt, QC, quality control, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
flye |
x86_64 |
2.9.4 |
2024-06-28 |
2.9.4* |
flye, ... |
flye, assembly, long reads, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
x86_64 |
8.2.13 |
2024-06-28 |
8.2.13* |
raxmlHPC, ... |
RAxML, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
raxml-ng |
x86_64 |
1.2.2 |
2024-06-28 |
1.2.2* |
raxml-ng, ... |
raxml-ng, RAxML, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
beast |
x86_64 |
1.10.4 |
2024-06-28 |
1.10.4* |
beast, ... |
BEAST, MCMC, Bayesian stats, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
paml |
x86_64 |
4.10.7 |
2024-06-28 |
4.10.7* |
baseml, ... |
paml, evolution, phylogenetics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
kofamscan |
x86_64 |
1.3.0 |
2024-06-28 |
1.3.0* |
kofam_scan |
kofamscan, annotation, KEGG, KO, KOFAM |
life sciences |
isescan |
x86_64 | |
2024-06-28 |* | |
isescan, insertion elements, mobile genetic elements, annotation |
life sciences |
link |
link |
jq |
x86_64 |
1.7.1 |
2024-06-28 |
1.7.1* |
jq |
jq, json |
utilities |
link |
yq |
x86_64 |
3.4.3 |
2024-06-28 |
3.4.3* |
yq, ... |
yq, yaml |
utilities |
link |
ncbi-datasets |
x86_64 |
16.22.1 |
2024-07-05 |
16.22.1* |
datasets, ... |
ncbi-datasets, datasets, genome download |
utilities |
link, link, link |
seqtk |
x86_64 |
1.4 |
2024-07-11 |
1.4* |
seqtk |
seqtk, utility, conversion |
life sciences |
link |
fastq_utils |
x86_64 |
0.25.2 |
2024-07-11 |
0.25.2* |
fastq_info, ... |
fastq_utils, utility, FASTQ, QC |
life sciences |
link |
fastqc |
x86_64 |
0.12.1 |
2024-07-11 |
0.12.1* |
fastqc |
fastqc, utility, QC |
life sciences |
link |
nextflow |
x86_64 |
24.10.4 |
2024-07-11 |
24.4.3, 24.10.4* |
nextflow |
nextflow, A DSL for data-driven computational pipelines |
life sciences |
link |
link |
multiqc |
x86_64 |
1.27.1 |
2024-07-11 |
1.23, 1.27.1* |
multiqc |
MultiQC, Aggregate results from bioinformatics analyses across many samples into a single report |
life sciences |
link |
link |
R |
x86_64 |
4.3.3 |
2024-07-12 |
4.3.3 |
R, ... |
R, jupyter |
languages |
link |
btop |
x86_64 |
1.3.2 |
2024-07-12 |
1.3.2* |
btop |
btop, top |
utilities |
link |
eggnog-mapper |
x86_64 |
2.1.12 |
2024-07-16 |
2.1.12* |, ... |
eggnog-mapper, annotation, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
metaphlan |
x86_64 |
4.1.1 |
2024-07-17 |
4.1.1* |
metaphlan, ... |
metaphlan, metagenomics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
trinity |
x86_64 |
2.15.1 |
2024-07-23 |
2.15.1* |
Trinity |
Trinity, assembly, RNA-Seq |
life sciences |
link |
link |
bioconvert |
x86_64 |
1.1.1 |
2024-07-23 |
1.1.1* |
bioconvert |
bioconvert, conversion tool |
utilities |
link |
bakta |
x86_64 |
1.9.4 |
2024-07-23 |
1.9.4* |
bakta, ... |
bakta, annotation |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
humann |
x86_64 |
3.9 |
2024-07-26 |
3.9* |
humann, ... |
humann, metagenomics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
kneaddata |
x86_64 |
0.12.0 |
2024-07-26 |
0.12.0* |
kneaddata, ... |
kneaddata, QC, metagenomics, host removal |
life sciences |
link, link |
kraken2 |
x86_64 |
2.1.3 |
2024-07-26 |
2.1.3* |
kraken2, ... |
kraken2, metagenomics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
qiime2 |
x86_64 |
2024.5 |
2024-08-06 |
2024.5* |
qiime |
qiime2, qiime, metagenomics, 16S |
life sciences |
link |
x86_64 |
20240806 |
2024-08-06 |
20240806* |, ... |
EDTA, TE, omics, transposable elements, annotation |
life sciences |
link |
link, link, link |
stacks |
x86_64 |
2.65 |
2024-08-08 |
2.65* |, ... |
Stacks, RAD-seq, population genetics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
structure |
x86_64 |
2.3.4 |
2024-08-08 |
2.3.4* |
structure |
Structure, population genetics |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
sra-tools |
x86_64 |
3.1.1 |
2024-08-15 |
3.1.1* |
sratools, ... |
sra-tools, NCBI |
utilities |
link |
skani |
x86_64 |
0.2.2 |
2024-08-15 |
0.2.2* |
skani |
skani, ANI, average nucleotide identity |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
nanoplot |
x86_64 |
1.43.0 |
2024-08-16 |
1.43.0* |
NanoPlot |
nanoplot, long read, nanopore, QC |
life sciences |
link |
link |
pilon |
x86_64 |
1.24 |
2024-08-16 |
1.24* |
pilon |
pilon, long read, nanopore, assembly |
life sciences |
link |
link |
genomescope2 |
x86_64 |
2.0.1 |
2024-08-16 |
2.0.1* |
genomescope2 |
genomescope2, omics, QC |
life sciences |
link |
link |
disperseNN2 |
x86_64 |
0.0.7 |
2024-08-16 |
0.0.7* |
disperseNN2 |
disperseNN2 |
life sciences |
link |
link |
fineradstructure |
x86_64 |
0.3.2 |
2024-08-16 |
0.3.2* |
finestructure, ... |
fineRADstructure, RADpainter, population genetics, population structure |
life sciences |
link |
link |
admixture |
x86_64 |
1.3.0 |
2024-08-16 |
1.3.0* |
admixture |
admixture, ancestral reconstruction, SNPs |
life sciences |
link |
link |
faststructure |
x86_64 |
1.0 |
2024-08-16 |
1.0* |, ... |
fastSTRUCTURE, population structure, population genetics, SNPs |
life sciences |
link |
link |
bellerophon |
x86_64 |
1.0 |
2024-08-16 |
1.0* |
bellerophon |
bellerophon, assembly, scaffolding, Hi-C |
life sciences |
link, link |
python-dotenv |
x86_64 |
1.0.1 |
2024-08-19 |
1.0.1* |
dotenv |
python-dotenv, configuration |
utilities |
link |
direnv |
x86_64 |
2.34.0 |
2024-08-19 |
2.34.0* |
direnv |
direnv, configuration |
utilities |
link |
gtdbtk |
x86_64 |
2.4.0 |
2024-08-20 |
2.4.0* |
gtdbtk |
gtdb, gtdbtk, omics, species classification |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
meme |
x86_64 |
5.5.6 |
2024-08-20 |
5.5.6* |
meme, ... |
meme, motif search, meme-suite |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
nodejs |
x86_64 |
22.6 |
2024-08-21 |
22.6 |
node, ... |
node, nodejs, npm |
languages |
link |
sregistry |
x86_64 |
0.2.39 |
2024-08-27 |
0.2.39 |
sregistry |
sregistry, singularity |
utilities |
link |
mummer4 |
x86_64 |
4.0.0 |
2024-08-27 |
4.0.0* |
mummer, ... |
Mummer, Mummer alignment tool |
life sciences |
link |
link |
nextpolish |
x86_64 |
1.4.1 |
2024-08-27 |
1.4.1* |
nextPolish, ... |
nextpolish, QC, assembly |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
augustus |
x86_64 |
3.5.0 |
2024-08-29 |
3.5.0* |
augustus, ... |
augustus, annotation |
life sciences |
link |
link |
wfmash |
x86_64 |
0.20.0 |
2024-08-30 |
0.20.0* |
wfmash, ... |
wfmash, alignment, omics, whole genome alignment |
life sciences |
link |
link, link, link |
rsem |
x86_64 |
1.3.3 |
2024-08-30 |
1.3.3* |
convert-sam-for-rsem, ... |
RSEM, RNA-Seq, quantification of gene and isoform expression |
life sciences |
link |
link |
ribodetector |
x86_64 |
0.3.1 |
2024-08-30 |
0.3.1* |
ribodetector, ... |
RiboDetector, rRNA |
life sciences |
link |
link |
smudgeplot |
x86_64 |
0.2.5 |
2024-08-30 |
0.2.5* |, ... |
smudgeplot, Inference of ploidy and heterozygosity structure using whole genome sequencing data |
life sciences |
link |
link |
interproscan |
x86_64 |
5.69 |
2024-08-30 |
5.59, 5.69* | |
InterProScan, Genome-scale protein function classification, gene annotation |
life sciences |
link |
link |
repeatmasker |
x86_64 |
4.1.5 |
2024-08-30 |
4.1.5* |
RepeatMasker, ... |
RepeatMasker, screens DNA sequences for interspersed repeats and low complexity DNA sequences, repetitive elements |
life sciences |
link |
link |
repeatmodeler |
x86_64 |
2.0.5 |
2024-08-30 |
2.0.5* |
RepeatModeler, ... |
RepeatModeler, de-novo repeat family identification and modeling, repetitive elements |
life sciences |
link |
link |
sourmash |
x86_64 |
4.8.11 |
2024-09-03 |
4.8.11* |
sourmash |
sourmash, Quickly search, compare, and analyze genomic and metagenomic data sets |
life sciences |
link |
link |
canu |
x86_64 |
2.2 |
2024-09-04 |
2.2* |
canu, ... |
canu, assembly, long-read, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link, link |
poplddecay |
x86_64 |
3.43 |
2024-09-06 |
3.43* |
PopLDdecay, ... |
PopLDDecay, population genomics, SNPs |
life sciences |
link |
link |
fragpipe |
x86_64 |
20.0 |
2024-09-06 |
20.0* |
fragpipe, ... |
FragPipe, comprehensive analysis of shotgun proteomics data |
life sciences |
link |
link |
plink |
x86_64 |
20240818 |
2024-09-06 |
20240818* |
plink |
plink, population genomics, SNPs, GWAS |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
plink2 |
x86_64 |
20240820 |
2024-09-06 |
20240820* |
plink2 |
plink2, population genomics, SNPs, GWAS |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
fastsimcoal |
x86_64 |
2.8 |
2024-09-06 |
2.8* |
fsc28 |
fastsimcoal, population genomics, evolution, recombination |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
angsd |
x86_64 |
0.940 |
2024-09-06 |
0.940* |
angsd, ... |
ANGSD, population genetics, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
antismash |
x86_64 |
7.1.0 |
2024-09-10 |
7.1.0* |
antismash |
antiSMASH, antibiotics and Secondary Metabolite Analysis SHell |
life sciences |
link |
link |
fastp |
x86_64 |
0.24.0 |
2024-09-10 |
0.23.4, 0.24.0* |
fastp |
fastp, ultra-fast FASTQ preprocessor QC adapters trimming filtering splitting |
life sciences |
link |
link |
dsuite |
x86_64 |
0.5 |
2024-09-13 |
0.5* |
Dsuite, ... |
Dsuite, population genetics, admixutre, ABBA-BABA, omics |
life sciences |
link, link |
link, link |
aria2 |
x86_64 |
1.37.0 |
2024-09-13 |
1.37.0*, 1.37.0* |
aria2c |
aria2, download-manager, tool |
utilities |
link |
link |
snpeff |
x86_64 |
5.2 |
2024-09-16 |
5.2* |
snpEff |
SnpEff, Genetic variant annotation and effect prediction toolbox |
life sciences |
link |
link |
get_homologues |
x86_64 |
3.7.1 |
2024-09-18 |
3.7.1* |, ... |
GET_HOMOLOGUES, pan-genome analysis |
life sciences |
link |
link |
spaln |
x86_64 |
3.0.6 |
2024-09-23 |
3.0.6* |
spaln, ... |
spaln, Genome mapping and spliced alignment of cDNA or amino acid sequences |
life sciences |
link |
link |
julia |
x86_64 |
1.10.5 |
2024-09-24 |
1.10.5* |
julia |
julia |
languages |
link |
ncdu |
x86_64 |
2.5 |
2024-09-24 |
2.5* |
ncdu |
ncdu |
utilities |
link |
syri |
x86_64 |
1.7.0 |
2024-10-01 |
1.7.0* |
syri, ... |
SyRI, Synteny and rearrangement identifier between whole-genome assemblies |
life sciences |
link |
link |
plotsr |
x86_64 |
1.1.1 |
2024-10-01 |
1.1.1* |
plotsr |
plotsr, plot synteny and structural rearrangements between genomes |
life sciences |
link |
link |
idemuxcpp |
x86_64 |
0.3.0 |
2024-10-02 |
0.3.0* |
idemuxCPP |
idemuxCPP, demultiplex paired-end fastq files from QuantSeq-Pool |
life sciences |
link |
link |
pyani |
x86_64 | |
2024-10-07 |* |
pyani, ... |
pyani, ANI, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
maker |
x86_64 |
2.31.9 |
2024-10-07 |
2.31.9* |
maker, ... |
maker, annotation, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
getorganelle |
x86_64 | |
2024-10-07 |* |, ... |
GetOrganelle, assembly, eukaryotes, mitochondria |
life sciences |
link |
link |
oatk |
x86_64 |
1.0 |
2024-10-08 |
1.0* |
oatk, ... |
Oatk, de novo assembly of complex plant organelle genomes using PacBio HiFi data |
life sciences |
link |
link |
ragtag |
x86_64 |
2.1.0 |
2024-10-08 |
2.1.0* |, ... |
RagTag, Tools for fast and flexible genome assembly scaffolding and improvement |
life sciences |
link |
link |
snakemake |
x86_64 |
8.20.6 |
2024-10-09 |
8.20.6 |
snakemake |
snakemake, pipeline, python |
utilities |
link |
link |
blat |
x86_64 |
469 |
2024-10-14 |
469* |
blat, ... |
blat, ucsc-blat, alignment |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
dos2unix |
x86_64 |
7.4.0 |
2024-10-14 |
7.4.0 |
dos2unix, ... |
dos2unix |
utilities |
link |
pear |
x86_64 |
0.9.6 |
2024-10-14 |
0.9.6* |
pear, ... |
pear, read merger, omics |
life sciences |
link |
phyluce |
x86_64 |
1.7.3 |
2024-10-15 |
1.7.3* |
phyluce_workflow, ... |
phyluce, illumiprocessor, QC, phylogenomics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
samblaster |
x86_64 |
0.1.26 |
2024-10-16 |
0.1.26* |
samblaster |
samblaster, tool to mark duplicates and extract discordant and split reads from sam files |
life sciences |
link |
link |
mifish |
x86_64 |
2.0.0 |
2024-10-17 |
2.0.0* |
mifish |
mifish, metabarcoding |
life sciences |
link |
link |
nvitop |
x86_64 |
1.3.2 |
2024-10-17 |
1.3.2 |
nvitop |
nvitop, monitoring |
utilities |
link |
idemux |
x86_64 |
0.1.6 |
2024-10-18 |
0.1.6* |
idemux |
idemux, demultiplex paired-end fastq files from QuantSeq Pool |
life sciences |
link |
link |
glimmer |
x86_64 |
3.2 |
2024-10-22 |
3.2* |
glimmer3, ... |
glimmer, annotation |
life sciences |
link |
link |
p7zip |
x86_64 |
16.2 |
2024-10-22 |
16.2* |
7z, ... |
7zip, p7zip |
utilities |
link |
alphafold |
x86_64 |
20241029 |
2024-10-29 |
20241029 |
run_alphafold |
alphafold, gpgpu, protein folding |
life sciences |
link |
link |
metamdbg |
x86_64 |
1.0 |
2024-10-30 |
1.0* |
metaMDBG |
MetaMDBG, lightweight assembler for long and accurate metagenomics reads |
life sciences |
link |
link |
axe-demultiplexer |
x86_64 |
0.3.3 |
2024-11-01 |
0.3.3* |
axe-demux |
Axe, Rapid competitive read demulitplexer |
life sciences |
link |
link |
liftoff |
x86_64 |
1.6.3 |
2024-11-04 |
1.6.3* |
liftoff |
Liftoff, accurate GFF3/GTF lift over pipeline |
life sciences |
link |
link |
plass |
x86_64 |
5.0 |
2024-11-04 |
5.0* |
plass, ... |
Plass, PenguiN, sensitive and precise assembly of short sequencing reads |
life sciences |
link |
link |
agat |
x86_64 |
1.4.1 |
2024-11-05 |
1.4.1* |
agat, ... |
AGAT, sensitive and precise assembly of short sequencing reads |
life sciences |
link |
link |
duf |
x86_64 |
0.8.1 |
2024-11-07 |
0.8.1* |
duf |
duf, disk usage, df |
utilities |
link |
miniprot |
x86_64 |
0.13 |
2024-11-08 |
0.13* |
miniprot |
miniprot, alignment, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
lifton |
x86_64 |
1.0.5 |
2024-11-08 |
1.0.5* |
lifton |
lifton, annotation, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
currentNe |
x86_64 |
1.0.0 |
2024-11-08 |
1.0.0* |
currentNe |
currentNe, popgen |
life sciences |
link |
liftofftools |
x86_64 |
0.4.4 |
2024-11-19 |
0.4.4* |
liftofftools |
LiftoffTools, toolkit to compare genes lifted between genome assemblies |
life sciences |
link |
link |
taxonkit |
x86_64 |
0.18.0 |
2024-11-24 |
0.18.0* |
taxonkit |
taxonkit, utility, taxonomy |
life sciences |
link |
link |
yahs |
x86_64 |
1.2.2 |
2024-11-25 |
1.2.2* |
yahs, ... |
YaHS, yet another Hi-C scaffolding tool |
life sciences |
link |
link |
gfastats |
x86_64 |
1.3.9 |
2024-11-25 |
1.3.9* |
gfastats |
gfastats, genome assembly file manipulation |
life sciences |
link |
link |
pcangsd |
x86_64 |
1.35 |
2024-11-26 |
1.35* |
pcangsd |
PCAngsd, pcangsd, omics, PCA |
life sciences |
link |
link, link, link |
arcs |
x86_64 |
1.2.8 |
2024-11-26 |
1.2.8* |
arcs, ... |
arcs, scaffolding, long read, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
dorado |
x86_64 |
0.7.2 |
2024-12-02 |
0.7.2* |
dorado |
Dorado, Oxford Nanopore Basecaller |
life sciences |
link |
link |
sniffles |
x86_64 |
2.5.2 |
2024-12-03 |
2.5.2* |
sniffles |
Sniffles, Structural variation caller using third generation sequencing |
life sciences |
link |
link |
manta |
x86_64 |
1.6.0 |
2024-12-03 |
1.6.0* |, ... |
Manta, Structural variant and indel caller for mapped sequencing data |
life sciences |
link |
link |
tiddit |
x86_64 |
3.7.0 |
2024-12-03 |
3.7.0* |
tiddit |
TIDDIT, structural variant calling |
life sciences |
link |
link |
cnvkit |
x86_64 |
0.9.12 |
2024-12-03 |
0.9.12* | |
CNVkit, Genome-wide copy number from high-throughput sequencing |
life sciences |
link |
link |
canvas |
x86_64 | |
2024-12-04 |* |
Canvas, ... |
Canvas, Copy number variant (CNV) calling from DNA sequencing data |
life sciences |
link |
link |
pbtk |
x86_64 |
3.4.0 |
2024-12-04 |
3.4.0* |
bam2fasta, ... |
pbtk, PacBio Secondary Analysis Tools |
life sciences |
link |
link |
mosdepth |
x86_64 |
0.3.10 |
2024-12-04 |
0.3.10* |
mosdepth |
mosdepth, fast BAM/CRAM depth calculation for WGS, exome, or targeted sequencing |
life sciences |
link |
link |
ccmetagen |
x86_64 |
1.5.0 |
2024-12-04 |
1.5.0* |, ... |
CCMetagen, metagenomics |
life sciences |
link |
link, link |
flash2 |
x86_64 |
2.2.0 |
2024-12-04 |
2.2.0* |
flash2 |
flash2, flash, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
sabre |
x86_64 |
1.0 |
2024-12-04 |
1.0* |
sabre |
sabre, demultiplex |
life sciences |
link |
csvtk |
x86_64 |
0.32.0 |
2024-12-06 |
0.32.0* |
csvtk |
csvtk, tab-delimited, csv |
utilities |
link |
signalp6-cpu |
x86_64 |
20241206 |
2024-12-06 |
20241206* |
signalp6-cpu |
signalp, signal peptides |
life sciences |
link, link |
link |
umi_tools |
x86_64 |
1.1.6 |
2024-12-12 |
1.1.6* |
umi_tools |
UMI-tools, Modelling sequencing errors in Unique Molecular Identifiers to improve quantification accuracy |
life sciences |
link |
link |
medaka |
x86_64 |
2.0.1 |
2024-12-12 |
2.0.1* |
medaka, ... |
Medaka, Sequence correction provided by ONT Research |
life sciences |
link |
link |
emboss |
x86_64 |
6.6.0 |
2024-12-12 |
6.6.0* |
aaindexextract, ... |
EMBOSS, European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite |
life sciences |
link |
link |
ltr_finder |
x86_64 |
1.7 |
2024-12-16 |
1.7* |
ltr_finder, ... |
LTR_Finder, efficient program for finding full-length LTR retrotranspsons in genome sequences |
life sciences |
link |
link |
ltr_retriever |
x86_64 |
3.0.1 |
2024-12-19 |
3.0.1* |
LTR_retriever, ... |
LTR_retriever, highly accurate and sensitive program for identification of LTR retrotransposons |
life sciences |
link |
link |
psmc |
x86_64 |
0.6.5 |
2025-01-08 |
0.6.5* |
psmc, ... |
psmc, popgen, population size |
life sciences |
link |
link |
gnuplot |
x86_64 |
5.4.10 |
2025-01-08 |
5.4.10* |
gnuplot |
gnuplot, plotting |
utilities |
link |
cd-hit |
x86_64 |
4.8.1 |
2025-01-09 |
4.8.1* |
cd-hit, ... |
cd-hit, clustering, omics |
life sciences |
link |
link |
edta |
x86_64 |
2.2.2 |
2025-01-09 |
2.2.2* |, ... |
EDTA, Extensive de-novo TE Annotator |
life sciences |
link |
link |
mothur |
x86_64 |
1.48.2 |
2025-01-13 |
1.48.2* |
mothur, ... |
mothur, microbiome, 16S, metabarcoding |
life sciences |
link |
link |
macs3 |
x86_64 |
3.0.2 |
2025-01-17 |
3.0.2* |
macs3 |
macs, MACS, MACS3, ChIP-Seq, transcript factor binding |
life sciences |
link |
link |
ripgrep |
ppc64le |
14.1.1 |
2025-01-23 |
14.1.1* |
rg |
rg, ripgrep |
utilities |
link |
sl |
x86_64 |
5.1 |
2025-01-24 |
5.1* |
sl |
sl |
utilities |
entrez-direct |
x86_64 |
22.4 |
2025-01-24 |
22.4* |
efetch, ... |
entrez-direct, EDirect, NCBI |
life sciences |
link |
nvim |
x86_64 |
0.10.3 |
2025-01-28 |
0.10.3* |
nvim |
nvim, text editor |
utilities |
ripgrep |
aarch64 |
14.1.1 |
2025-01-29 |
14.1.1* |
rg |
rg, ripgrep |
utilities |
link |
nvim |
aarch64 |
0.10.3 |
2025-01-29 |
0.10.3* |
nvim |
nvim, text editor |
utilities |
vina |
x86_64 |
1.2.6 |
2025-02-04 |
1.2.6* |
vina, ... |
vina, autodock |
life sciences |
link |
genblastg |
x86_64 |
1.39 |
2025-02-05 |
1.39* |
genblastG |
genBlast, identify groups of HSPs |
life sciences |
link |
link |
R |
ppc64le |
4.3.3 |
2025-02-11 |
4.3.3 |
R, ... |
R, jupyter |
languages |
link |
jq |
ppc64le |
1.7.1 |
2025-02-12 |
1.7.1* |
jq |
jq, json |
utilities |
link |
gw |
x86_64 |
1.1.4 |
2025-02-18 |
1.1.4* |
gw |
GW, fast browser for genomic sequencing data used directly from the terminal |
life sciences |
link |
link |
R |
aarch64 |
4.3.3 |
2025-02-18 |
4.3.3 |
R, ... |
R, jupyter |
languages |
link |
fastplong |
x86_64 |
0.2.2 |
2025-02-19 |
0.2.2* |
fastplong |
fastplong, Ultra-fast preprocessing and quality control for long-read sequencing data |
life sciences |
link |
link |
awscli |
x86_64 |
2.24.7 |
2025-02-19 |
2.24.7* |
aws, ... |
awscli, Universal Command Line Interface for Amazon Web Services |
life sciences |
link |
link |
bcl2fastq2 |
x86_64 | |
2025-02-19 |* |
bcl2fastq |
Bcl2Fastq, Demultiplex sequencing data and converts base call (BCL) files into FASTQ files |
life sciences |
link |
link |
starship |
ppc64le |
1.22.1 |
2025-02-19 |
1.22.1* |
starship |
starship, prompt |
utilities |
direnv |
ppc64le |
2.34.0 |
2025-02-20 |
2.34.0* |
direnv |
direnv, configuration |
utilities |
link |